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Flashcard Ingoampt

German verbs words easy german

Application Features

  • Feature number 1

• Learn German Words With Imaging Techniques

  • Feature number 2

• Each Image show is:

Colour of “Pink“ for the Article “Die“
Colour of “Blue“ for the Article “Der“
Colour of “Green“ for the Article “Das“

  • Feature number 3

• You can Swap the cards Left so the Card gets Repeated and You can Swap the Card Right so the Cards gets Removed from the Stack of the Cards

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Video about the Flashcards German

This App Uses Newest Technology of SwiftData which makes the Application much smoother and faster. Thanks to SwiftData Capability if you leave the app from middle of studying it, you can Continue where you Left the App.

FlashCard App

About the application

. Learn German Language, Învață germană, Naucz się niemieckiego, تعلم الألمانية, Изучай немецкий, یادگیری زبان آلمانیApprends l’allemand

. This Application Supports 7 languages of :

English, Polish, French, Romanian, Farsi, Arabic, Russian

A picture is worth a thousand words. This application Uses Professional Imaging Technique to make you learn German Word Easier and faster. Because of the Imaging technique we used here the German Word and its article will stick to your Mind. The Images use 3 Colours of Pink, Blue and Green for the article “Die”, “Der”,”Das” so we tried to create the image with the colour of its article so you the image makes you remember of the article. Also, on each Image the First Letter of the German Word is Shown so in future you can remember the word easier because images have a strong, enduring impact on our memory.

+ One more thing we added to help you learn the word is we added Pronunciation of each word with one example with its translations so you can Practice German Better.

+ On Top of all, You can also Swap the Card to Left if you do not Remember the Word Correctly so the Card gets repeated in the stack of the cards, until you swap the card to the Right. if you swap the card to the right the cards get remove from the Stack of the card, but Don’t Worry you can Reset all the Cards Back when you finish the cards.

This App Uses Newest Technology of SwiftData which makes the Application much smoother and faster. Thanks to SwiftData Capability if you leave the app from middle of studying it, you can Continue where you Left the App.

(Please Note: The Idea of the app is exclusive property of INGOAMPT and are protected by international copyright laws and treaties. All rights reserved. )

This app is designed for iPhone only.


.Swap the Card Left (by drag gesturing to the left), if you Do Not know the Word ,so the Card gets Repeated. (The Colour of the flash card turns Red when you swap left so you know your answer was wrong and you want the card Repeated)

.Swap the Card Right(by drag gesturing to the right), if you Know the Word, so the Card gets repeated. You can Reset all The Cards Back at the End. (The Colour of the card turn green when you swap Right so you know your answer was right)

.Tab Click on any Card to flip the card and click on the Speak Button to hear the Pronunciations and a German sentence example.

* English: Learn German Words very fast with Imaging Techniques

* Polish: Naucz się bardzo szybko niemieckich słów za pomocą technik obrazowania.

* French: Apprenez les mots allemands très rapidement avec des techniques d’imagerie.

* Romanian: Învățați cuvinte germane foarte repede cu tehnici de imagistică.

* Farsi: با تکنیک‌های تصویرسازی به سرعت کلمات آلمانی یاد بگیرید.

* Arabic: تعلم الكلمات الألمانية بسرعة كبيرة باستخدام تقنيات التصوير.

* Russian: Изучайте немецкие слова очень быстро с помощью визуализационных техник.

** In this application, you can choose to use the app for free with banner ads or if you do not want to see any banner ads, please swap all cards right to remove all cards and you can click the button to see the paywall to pay 0.99 euro to remove ads banner for ever (one type payment). if you still prefer to use the app for free with ad banner you can simply click reset cards to go through flash cards again.

Flashcards German INGOAMPT

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Requires iOS 16.5 or later.

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