Machine Learning Overview

Deep Learning Optimizers: NAdam, AdaMax, AdamW, and NAG Comparison – day 41

Deep Learning Optimizers: NAdam, AdaMax, AdamW, and NAG

A Detailed Comparison of Deep Learning Optimizers: NAdam, AdaMax, AdamW, and NAG


Optimizers are fundamental to training deep learning models effectively. They update the model’s parameters during training to minimize the loss function. In this article, we’ll compare four popular optimizers: NAdam, AdaMax, AdamW, and NAG. We’ll also explore their compatibility across frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MLX for Apple Silicon, ensuring you choose the best optimizer for your specific machine learning task.

1. NAdam (Nesterov-accelerated Adam)

Overview: NAdam combines the benefits of Adam with Nesterov Accelerated Gradient (NAG). It predicts the future direction of the gradient by adding momentum to Adam’s update rule, resulting in faster and smoother convergence.

Key Features:

  • Momentum Component: Utilizes Nesterov momentum to make more informed updates, reducing overshooting and improving convergence speed.
  • Learning Rate Adaptation: Adapts learning rates for each parameter.
  • Convergence: Often faster and more responsive than Adam in practice.

Use Cases: Best for RNNs and models that require dynamic momentum adjustment. Particularly effective in recurrent tasks.

Framework Support:

  • TensorFlow: Fully supported.
  • PyTorch: Fully supported.
  • MLX (Apple Silicon): Not natively supported in MLX but can be used via TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Implementation in TensorFlow:


2. AdaMax (Adam with Infinity Norm)

Overview: AdaMax is a variant of the Adam optimizer, but it replaces the L2 norm with the infinity norm, which results in more stable updates in high-dimensional spaces, such as models with embeddings.

Key Features:

  • Handling Large Gradients: Controls gradient scaling using the infinity norm, making it more stable when handling large updates.
  • Convergence: Provides more stable convergence in models dealing with large, sparse data (e.g., NLP or embeddings-heavy models).

Use Cases: Ideal for models with high-dimensional inputs, such as text embeddings or NLP models.

Framework Support:

  • TensorFlow: Fully supported.
  • PyTorch: Fully supported.
  • MLX (Apple Silicon): AdaMax is not available natively in MLX, but can be accessed via TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Implementation in TensorFlow:


3. AdamW (Adam with Decoupled Weight Decay)

Overview: AdamW decouples weight decay from the gradient-based updates. In traditional Adam, weight decay is integrated directly into the update rule, which can result in over-regularization. AdamW separates the weight decay process, improving generalization and preventing overfitting.

Key Features:

  • Weight Decay: Decouples weight decay from the optimization step, resulting in better performance in regularization-heavy tasks.
  • Convergence: Similar convergence rates to Adam but with better generalization properties.

Use Cases: Suitable for large neural networks, particularly in computer vision and natural language processing tasks that require regularization.

Framework Support:

  • TensorFlow: Fully supported.
  • PyTorch: Fully supported.
  • MLX (Apple Silicon): Fully supported natively.

Implementation in TensorFlow:

tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.AdamW(learning_rate=0.001, weight_decay=1e-4)

4. NAG (Nesterov Accelerated Gradient)

Overview: NAG builds on standard SGD with momentum by anticipating the next update and applying gradients based on the future position of the parameters. This anticipation helps avoid overshooting and leads to faster convergence in some scenarios.

Key Features:

  • Look-Ahead Gradient: Anticipates the next update, making the model’s learning more efficient.
  • Ravine Navigation: Helps the model avoid oscillations in areas where gradients have high curvature.

Use Cases: Effective for tasks where gradients tend to oscillate, such as non-convex optimization tasks.

Framework Support:

  • TensorFlow: Fully supported.
  • PyTorch: Fully supported.
  • MLX (Apple Silicon): Supported via frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow but not directly in MLX.

Implementation in TensorFlow:

tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)

Comparison Table

Optimizer Learning Rate Adaptation Momentum Weight Decay Special Features Best for Framework Support
NAdam Adaptive Yes (Nesterov) No Combines Adam with NAG RNNs, NLP TensorFlow, PyTorch, MLX (via TF)
AdaMax Adaptive Yes No Infinity norm for stability High-dimensional embeddings TensorFlow, PyTorch, MLX (via TF)
AdamW Adaptive Yes Yes (decoupled) Better generalization Vision, NLP TensorFlow, PyTorch, MLX
NAG No Yes (Nesterov) No Look-ahead gradient updates Non-convex tasks TensorFlow, PyTorch, MLX (via TF)

Which Optimizer Should You Use?

For NLP or RNN Models: NAdam is your go-to option due to its momentum and learning rate adaptation, making it ideal for recurrent structures.

For High-Dimensional Data: AdaMax is better suited for high-dimensional data like text embeddings where large gradients can destabilize the training process.

For Large Vision or NLP Models: AdamW is the best choice if you need strong regularization to improve generalization.

For Non-convex Problems: NAG excels in non-convex optimization problems by providing smoother and more anticipatory gradient updates.


The choice of optimizer depends heavily on the task at hand. AdamW provides excellent generalization for large models, while NAdam and AdaMax offer strong benefits in specific applications like RNNs and embedding-heavy models. Understanding these optimizers’ capabilities and constraints will help you achieve faster convergence and better model performance on various frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Apple’s MLX.

When deploying on Apple Silicon, frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch still provide access to all the optimizers you need, even if MLX itself has more limited native support. By leveraging these optimizers, you can ensure optimal performance for your machine learning models on any platform.
