Weight initialazation part 2 – day 23
Understanding Weight Initialization Strategies in Deep Learning: 2024 Updates and Key Techniques Understanding Weight Initialization Strategies in Deep Learning: 2024 Updates and Key Techniques Deep learning has revolutionized machine learning, enabling us to solve complex tasks that were previously unattainable. A critical factor in the success of these models is the initialization of their weights. Proper weight initialization can significantly impact the speed and stability of the training process, helping to avoid issues like vanishing or exploding gradients. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most widely-used weight initialization strategies—LeCun, Glorot, and He initialization—and delve into new advancements as of 2024. The Importance of Weight Initialization Weight initialization is a crucial step in training neural networks. It involves setting the initial values of the weights before the learning process begins. If weights are not initialized properly, the training process can suffer from issues like slow convergence, vanishing or exploding gradients, and suboptimal performance. To address these challenges, researchers have developed various initialization methods, each tailored to specific activation functions and network architectures. Classic Initialization Strategies LeCun Initialization LeCun Initialization, introduced by Yann LeCun, is particularly effective for networks using the SELU activation function. It initializes weights using a...