Understanding Gradient Clipping in Deep Learning – day 28

Understanding Gradient Clipping in Deep Learning Understanding Gradient Clipping in Deep Learning Introduction to Gradient Clipping Gradient clipping is a crucial technique in deep learning, especially when dealing with deep neural networks (DNNs) or recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Its primary purpose is to address the “exploding gradient” problem, which can severely destabilize the training process and lead to poor model performance. The Exploding Gradient Problem occurs when gradients during backpropagation become excessively large. This can cause the model’s weights to be updated with very large values, leading to instability in the learning process. The model may diverge rather than converge, making training ineffective. Types of Gradient Clipping Clipping by Value How It Works: In this approach, each individual component of the gradient is clipped to lie within a specific range, such as [-1.0, 1.0]. This means that if any component of the gradient exceeds this range, it is set to the maximum or minimum value in the range. When to Use: This method is particularly useful when certain gradient components might become disproportionately large due to anomalies in the data or specific features. It ensures that no single gradient component can cause an excessively large update to the weights. Pros:…

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