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German Grammar: understanding derselbe – Day 17

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Understanding “derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” in German

Understanding “derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” in German

In German, “derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” are compound pronouns that refer to the exact same object or person. These terms often cause confusion, especially when contrasted with “das Gleiche,” which denotes something that is similar or of the same type but not identical. In this article, we’ll explore these pronouns in detail, supported by numerous examples, to clarify their usage and nuances.

Grammatical Structure

“Derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” combine the definite article (“der,” “die,” “das”) with the invariant “selbe.” The definite article changes according to gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular, plural), and case (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) of the noun.

Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative derselbe dieselbe dasselbe dieselben
Accusative denselben dieselbe dasselbe dieselben
Dative demselben derselben demselben denselben
Genitive desselben derselben desselben derselben

Using “derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” in Sentences

Let’s look at examples in various contexts to see how these pronouns function:

Nominative Case Examples

German Sentence English Translation Explanation
Masculine: Derselbe Mann kommt jeden Tag hierher. The same man comes here every day. The subject (man) is performing the action.
Feminine: Dieselbe Frau hat das Buch geschrieben. The same woman wrote the book. The subject (woman) is performing the action.
Neuter: Dasselbe Auto steht wieder auf dem Parkplatz. The same car is parked in the lot again. The subject (car) is performing the action.
Plural: Dieselben Leute gehen jeden Tag ins Fitnessstudio. The same people go to the gym every day. The subject (people) is performing the action.

Accusative Case Examples

German Sentence English Translation Explanation
Masculine: Ich sehe denselben Mann jeden Tag. I see the same man every day. The man is the direct object of the verb “sehen.”
Feminine: Ich kenne dieselbe Frau. I know the same woman. The woman is the direct object of the verb “kennen.”
Neuter: Wir fahren dasselbe Auto. We drive the same car. The car is the direct object of the verb “fahren.”
Plural: Sie treffen dieselben Freunde jedes Wochenende. They meet the same friends every weekend. The friends are the direct object of the verb “treffen.”

Dative Case Examples

German Sentence English Translation Explanation
Masculine: Ich gebe demselben Mann das Geld. I give the money to the same man. The man is the indirect object of the verb “geben.”
Feminine: Sie hilft derselben Frau jeden Tag. She helps the same woman every day. The woman is the indirect object of the verb “helfen.”
Neuter: Er zeigt es demselben Kind. He shows it to the same child. The child is the indirect object of the verb “zeigen.”
Plural: Wir geben denselben Leuten die Informationen. We give the information to the same people. The people are the indirect object of the verb “geben.”

Genitive Case Examples

German Sentence English Translation Explanation
Masculine: Wir gedenken desselben Mannes. We commemorate the same man. The man is the object of commemoration.
Feminine: Wir erinnern uns derselben Frau. We remember the same woman. The woman is the object of remembrance.
Neuter: Die Farbe desselben Autos ist rot. The color of the same car is red. The car is being referred to in terms of ownership.
Plural: Wir achten derselben Regeln. We follow the same rules. The rules are being referred to in terms of adherence.

Derselbe vs. Das Gleiche: Understanding the Difference

The distinction between “derselbe” and “das Gleiche” is subtle but important:

  • Derselbe/dieselbe/dasselbe: Refers to the exact same entity.

    Example: Wir haben denselben Lehrer. (We have the same [exact] teacher.)

  • Das Gleiche: Refers to something that is of the same type but not the exact same item.

    Example: Wir haben den gleichen Lehrer. (We have the same type of teacher, but possibly not the same individual.)

This distinction can be particularly relevant in situations where the exact identity of an object matters. For instance:

  • Derselbe:
    Sie trinken denselben Kaffee wie gestern. (They are drinking the exact same coffee as yesterday.)
  • Das Gleiche:
    Sie trinken den gleichen Kaffee wie gestern. (They are drinking coffee of the same type as yesterday.)


Mastering the use of “derselbe,” “dieselbe,” and “dasselbe” is key to achieving clarity in German, particularly when specifying whether something is the exact same object or merely similar. By understanding the differences and applying the correct pronoun according to gender, case, and number, you can communicate with greater precision.

Whether you’re a learner striving to refine your German or someone polishing your writing, understanding these distinctions will help you express yourself more effectively. Remember, while the difference between “derselbe” and “das Gleiche” may seem subtle, it can significantly alter the meaning of your sentences.