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Day 6 _ Learn German Clauses

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Mastering German Subordinate Clauses: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering German Subordinate Clauses: A Comprehensive Guide

Subordinate clauses, or Nebensätze, are a fundamental component of German grammar. They add complexity and depth to your sentences, allowing you to convey more detailed and nuanced ideas. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of subordinate clauses, their rules, and how to combine them with different tenses. We’ll also provide plenty of examples and visual aids to ensure clarity.

Understanding German Subordinate Clauses

A subordinate clause is a part of a sentence that cannot stand alone; it provides additional information and is dependent on a main clause. Subordinate clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns, and their conjugated verbs are placed at the end of the clause.

Key Characteristics of Subordinate Clauses

  • Verb Placement: The conjugated verb is placed at the end of the subordinate clause.
  • Punctuation: A comma always separates the subordinate clause from the main clause.
  • Word Order: If the subordinate clause precedes the main clause, the verb in the main clause immediately follows the comma.

Types of Subordinate Clauses

Causal Clauses (Kausalsätze)

Function: Explain the reason or cause.

Conjunctions: weil (because), da (since)

Example in German Example in English
Ich bleibe zu Hause, weil es regnet. I stay at home because it is raining.
Da es regnet, bleibe ich zu Hause. Since it is raining, I stay at home.

Conditional Clauses (Konditionalsätze)

Function: State conditions affecting the outcome of the main clause.

Conjunctions: wenn (if, when), falls (if), sofern (provided that)

Example in German Example in English
Wenn es regnet, bleibe ich zu Hause. If it rains, I stay at home.
Falls es regnet, bleiben wir zu Hause. In case it rains, we will stay at home.

Concessive Clauses (Konzessivsätze)

Function: Introduce a contrast or concession.

Conjunctions: obwohl (although), obgleich (even though)

Example in German Example in English
Obwohl es spät ist, gehe ich noch aus. Although it is late, I am still going out.
Obgleich er müde ist, arbeitet er weiter. Even though he is tired, he continues to work.

Temporal Clauses (Temporalsätze)

Function: Describe when something happens.

Conjunctions: bevor (before), nachdem (after), während (while), als (when – past singular event), wenn (whenever – repeated past events)

Example in German Example in English
Bevor du ankommst, mache ich das Abendessen fertig. Before you arrive, I will finish making dinner.
Nachdem ich gegessen hatte, ging ich spazieren. After I had eaten, I went for a walk.
Während ich koche, hört sie Musik. While I cook, she listens to music.
Als ich ein Kind war, lebte ich in Berlin. When I was a child, I lived in Berlin.
Wenn ich nach Hause komme, esse ich sofort. When I come home, I eat immediately.

Final Clauses (Finalsätze)

Function: Indicate the purpose or goal.

Conjunctions: damit (so that), um … zu (in order to)

Example in German Example in English
Ich spare Geld, damit ich mir ein neues Auto kaufen kann. I am saving money so that I can buy a new car.
Ich arbeite, um Geld zu verdienen. I work in order to earn money.

Relative Clauses (Relativsätze)

Function: Provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause.

Relative Pronouns: der, die, das (who, which, that)

Example in German Example in English
Der Mann, der nebenan wohnt, ist sehr freundlich. The man who lives next door is very friendly.
Das Buch, das ich lese, ist spannend. The book that I am reading is exciting.

Infinitive Clauses (Infinitivsätze)

Function: Indicate the purpose or negate a condition.

Conjunctions: um…zu (in order to), ohne…zu (without), anstatt…zu (instead of)

Example in German Example in English
Er hat beschlossen, nach Hause zu gehen. He decided to go home.
Er ging, ohne ein Wort zu sagen. He left without saying a word.
Anstatt zu arbeiten, schläft er den ganzen Tag. Instead of working, he sleeps all day.

Verb Placement in Subordinate Clauses

In German subordinate clauses, the conjugated verb is typically placed at the end of the clause. This rule applies regardless of the clause type or the number of verbs involved.

Examples and Scenarios

Simple Subordinate Clause

Weil er müde ist, geht er früh ins Bett.

(Because he is tired, he goes to bed early.)

Subordinate Clause with Multiple Verbs

Wenn er kommen kann, werden wir das Meeting beginnen.

(If he can come, we will start the meeting.)

Subordinate Clause with Auxiliary and Main Verbs

Nachdem er das Buch gelesen hat, gibt er es zurück.

(After he has read the book, he returns it.)

Subordinate Clause with Separable Verbs

Wenn er das Fenster auf macht, wird es kalt.

(When he opens the window, it gets cold.)

Combining Different Tenses

Combining different tenses between the main clause and the subordinate clause is essential for conveying the correct sequence and relationship of events.


Past and Present

Obwohl er gestern sehr spät nach Hause gekommen ist, ist er heute sehr früh aufgestanden.

(Although he came home very late yesterday, he got up very early today.)

Present and Future

Nachdem sie ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht hat, wird sie ins Kino gehen.

(After she has done her homework, she will go to the cinema.)

Practical Application: Sample Essay

The Importance of Education (Die Bedeutung von Bildung)


Bildung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der modernen Gesellschaft, weil sie zur persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung beiträgt. Obwohl viele Menschen Zugang zu Bildung haben, gibt es immer noch Ungleichheiten, die adressiert werden müssen.

Main Body

Wenn wir allen gleiche Bildungschancen bieten, könnten wir als Gesellschaft insgesamt profitieren. Bildung ermöglicht es uns, kritisch zu denken und Probleme zu lösen, was besonders in Zeiten globaler Herausforderungen wichtig ist. Nachdem man eine gute Ausbildung erhalten hat, findet man leichter eine Anstellung und kann sich beruflich weiterentwickeln.


Damit jeder die Vorteile der Bildung nutzen kann, müssen Regierungen und Organisationen zusammenarbeiten. Bildung ist nicht nur ein Recht, sondern auch eine Notwendigkeit für den Fortschritt der Gesellschaft.


Education plays a crucial role in modern society because it contributes to personal and professional development. Although many people have access to education, there are still inequalities that need to be addressed. If we provide equal educational opportunities to everyone, we could benefit as a society as a whole. Education enables us to think critically and solve problems, which is especially important in times of global challenges. After receiving a good education, it is easier to find employment and advance professionally. In order for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of education, governments and organizations must work together. Education is not just a right but also a necessity for societal progress.


Mastering German subordinate clauses enhances your ability to express complex ideas clearly and effectively. By understanding the various types of clauses, their specific conjunctions, and how to combine tenses across clauses, you can significantly improve your written and spoken German. Regular practice, particularly with writing exercises, will help solidify these concepts.

For further practice, consider resources like Lingolia, Easy Deutsch, and GermanVeryEasy to deepen your understanding and application of German subordinate clauses.