learn German

Day 3 _ Learn German _ obwohl _ weil _ deshalb

Mastering German Grammar: Satzverbindungen and the Genitive Case

Mastering German Grammar: Satzverbindungen and the Genitive Case

Let’s first learn the German words from this link. This video will give you a foundational vocabulary that will be helpful as we dive into more advanced grammar concepts.

Satzverbindungen mit obwohl und trotzdem (Clause Connections with “although” and “nevertheless”)

Understanding obwohl (although)

Usage: Although + [subordinate clause] + main clause

Rule: The verb in the subordinate clause (introduced by obwohl) goes to the end.


Deutsch: Obwohl er müde ist, arbeitet er weiter.
English: Although he is tired, he continues working.

Understanding trotzdem (nevertheless)

Usage: Main clause. Trotzdem + [second main clause]

Rule: Trotzdem starts the second clause, and the verb follows directly after it.


Deutsch: Er ist müde. Trotzdem arbeitet er weiter.
English: He is tired. Nevertheless, he continues working.

Diagram for obwohl and trotzdem

Clause Type Conjunction Example in German Translation in English
Subordinate obwohl Obwohl er müde ist, arbeitet er weiter. Although he is tired, he continues working.
Main + Main trotzdem Er ist müde. Trotzdem arbeitet er weiter. He is tired. Nevertheless, he continues working.

Satzverbindungen mit weil und deshalb (Clause Connections with “because” and “therefore”)

Understanding weil (because)

Usage: Main clause + weil + [subordinate clause]

Rule: The verb in the subordinate clause (introduced by weil) goes to the end.


Deutsch: Er geht früh ins Bett, weil er müde ist.
English: He goes to bed early because he is tired.

Understanding deshalb (therefore)

Usage: Main clause. Deshalb + [second main clause]

Rule: Deshalb starts the second clause, and the verb follows directly after it.


Deutsch: Er ist müde. Deshalb geht er früh ins Bett.
English: He is tired. Therefore, he goes to bed early.

Diagram for weil and deshalb

Clause Type Conjunction Example in German Translation in English
Main + Subordinate weil Er geht früh ins Bett, weil er müde ist. He goes to bed early because he is tired.
Main + Main deshalb Er ist müde. Deshalb geht er früh ins Bett. He is tired. Therefore, he goes to bed early.

Understanding the Genitive Case in German

The genitive case shows possession or close relationships between nouns.

Genitive Articles

Gender Definite Article Indefinite Article Example (Definite) Example (Indefinite)
Masculine des eines des Mannes (of the man) eines Mannes (of a man)
Neuter des eines des Kindes (of the child) eines Kindes (of a child)
Feminine der einer der Frau (of the woman) einer Frau (of a woman)
Plural der der Kinder (of the children)

Examples of Genitive Case

  • Masculine:
    Deutsch: Das Auto des Mannes.
    English: The man’s car.
  • Neuter:
    Deutsch: Das Spielzeug des Kindes.
    English: The child’s toy.
  • Feminine:
    Deutsch: Die Tasche der Frau.
    English: The woman’s bag.
  • Plural:
    Deutsch: Die Bücher der Kinder.
    English: The children’s books.

Prepositions with Genitive

Certain prepositions require the genitive case. Common ones include:

  • außerhalb (outside of)
  • innerhalb (inside of)
  • während (during)
  • wegen (because of)

Examples with Prepositions

  • Deutsch: außerhalb des Hauses
    English: outside of the house
  • Deutsch: innerhalb der Stadt
    English: inside the city
  • Deutsch: während des Films
    English: during the movie
  • Deutsch: wegen des Wetters
    English: because of the weather

Summary Table for Prepositions with Genitive

Preposition Example (Deutsch) Example (English)
außerhalb außerhalb des Hauses outside of the house
innerhalb innerhalb der Stadt inside the city
während während des Films during the movie
wegen wegen des Wetters because of the weather

Präposition + einander (Preposition + each other)

Usage: Combines preposition and the word “einander” to indicate mutual action.


Deutsch: Sie haben miteinander gesprochen.
English: They spoke to each other.

Preposition + einander Example (Deutsch) Translation (English)
miteinander Sie haben miteinander gesprochen. They spoke to each other.
füreinander Sie sorgen füreinander. They care for each other.
gegeneinander Sie spielen gegeneinander. They play against each other.
durcheinander Sie liefen durcheinander. They ran around each other.

Visual Diagrams

obwohl and trotzdem

    Main Clause 1             Conjunction    Main Clause 2
[Obwohl + Subordinate Clause] + [ , ] + Main Clause
    Main Clause 1             Conjunction    Main Clause 2
Main Clause 1 + [ . ] + Trotzdem + Main Clause 2

weil and deshalb

    Main Clause 1             Conjunction    Main Clause 2
Main Clause + [ , ] + weil + Subordinate Clause
    Main Clause 1             Conjunction    Main Clause 2
Main Clause 1 + [ . ] + Deshalb + Main Clause 2

Genitive Case Structure

[Noun1] + [Genitive Article + Noun2]
Des Mannes + Auto
[Noun1] + [Genitive Article + Noun2]
Der Kinder + Bücher

By understanding and practicing these structures with the provided tables and diagrams, you will get a clearer understanding of how to use these grammatical elements in German effectively.

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