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Day 1 _ Learn German For B1 Exam

German Grammar Learning – B1 Exam Preparation

Learn the Vocabulary + Grammar to prepare for B1 Exam

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German Grammar Learning

1. Sentence Connections

Using “obwohl” (although) and “trotzdem” (nevertheless)

“obwohl” is a subordinating conjunction used to introduce a clause that contrasts with the main clause.

Example 1:

Main Clause: Ich bin müde. (I am tired.)

Subordinate Clause: Obwohl ich müde bin, gehe ich joggen. (Although I am tired, I go jogging.)

“trotzdem” is an adverb used to express a contrast and is usually placed in the main clause.

Example 2:

Main Clause 1: Ich bin müde. (I am tired.)

Main Clause 2: Trotzdem gehe ich joggen. (Nevertheless, I go jogging.)

Using “weil” (because) and “deshalb” (therefore)

“weil” is a subordinating conjunction used to introduce a reason or cause.

Example 3:

Main Clause: Ich lerne Deutsch. (I am learning German.)

Subordinate Clause: Weil ich nach Deutschland reisen möchte. (Because I want to travel to Germany.)

“deshalb” is an adverb used to express a consequence or result.

Example 4:

Main Clause 1: Ich möchte nach Deutschland reisen. (I want to travel to Germany.)

Main Clause 2: Deshalb lerne ich Deutsch. (Therefore, I am learning German.)

2. Genitive Case (Genitiv)

The genitive case is used to show possession or close relationships between nouns.

Examples of the Genitive Case

Masculine and Neuter Nouns

The genitive form of masculine and neuter nouns usually ends in -s or -es (for single-syllable words).

Example 5:

Masculine: Das Buch des Mannes. (The book of the man.)

Neuter: Das Ende des Tages. (The end of the day.)

Feminine and Plural Nouns

The genitive form of feminine and plural nouns typically ends in -r.

Example 6:

Feminine: Die Farbe der Blume. (The color of the flower.)

Plural: Die Spiele der Kinder. (The games of the children.)

Genitive Prepositions

Some prepositions always require the genitive case.

Example 7:

außerhalb: Außerhalb des Hauses. (Outside of the house.)

während: Während des Essens. (During the meal.)

wegen: Wegen des Wetters. (Because of the weather.)

Exercises with New Examples

1. Connecting Sentences with “obwohl” and “trotzdem”

Example 8:

Main Clause: Es regnet. (It is raining.)

Subordinate Clause: Obwohl es regnet, gehen wir spazieren. (Although it is raining, we go for a walk.)

Main Clause 1: Es regnet. (It is raining.)

Main Clause 2: Trotzdem gehen wir spazieren. (Nevertheless, we go for a walk.)

2. Connecting Sentences with “weil” and “deshalb”

Example 9:

Main Clause: Ich habe Hunger. (I am hungry.)

Subordinate Clause: Weil ich nichts gegessen habe. (Because I haven’t eaten anything.)

Main Clause 1: Ich habe nichts gegessen. (I haven’t eaten anything.)

Main Clause 2: Deshalb habe ich Hunger. (Therefore, I am hungry.)

3. Using the Genitive Case

Example 10:

Masculine: Das Auto des Lehrers. (The car of the teacher.)

Neuter: Die Tür des Hauses. (The door of the house.)

Feminine: Die Blätter der Pflanze. (The leaves of the plant.)

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