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Mastering German Sentence Connectors: Trotzdem, Obwohl, Weil, and Deshalb – day 32

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Mastering German Sentence Connectors: Trotzdem, Obwohl, Weil, and Deshalb

Mastering German Sentence Connectors: “Trotzdem,” “Obwohl,” “Weil,” and “Deshalb”

German can seem complex due to its strict word order rules, but mastering sentence connectors like trotzdem (nevertheless), obwohl (although), weil (because), and deshalb (therefore) can make your communication clearer and more fluent. This article will guide you step-by-step through the proper use of these connectors and their respective sentence structures.

1. Introduction to German Sentence Connectors

German connectors like trotzdem, obwohl, weil, and deshalb play a significant role in linking sentences or ideas. They help express relationships like contrast, cause, and effect in a more structured way. Understanding the difference between them can drastically improve your written and spoken German, enabling you to express ideas clearly and logically.

2. Understanding “Trotzdem” and “Obwohl”

Connector Meaning Sentence Structure Example
Trotzdem Nevertheless Main clause + , trotzdem + verb + subject + object Viele Frauen haben studiert, trotzdem machen sie keine Karriere.
Obwohl Although Obwohl + subordinate clause (verb at end) + main clause Obwohl viele Frauen studiert haben, machen sie keine Karriere.


Trotzdem connects two independent clauses and acts as a coordinating adverb. The verb comes immediately after trotzdem.

Obwohl introduces a subordinate clause, sending the verb to the end of that clause.

3. Connecting Cause and Effect: “Weil” and “Deshalb”

Connector Meaning Sentence Structure Example
Weil Because Main clause + weil + subordinate clause (verb at end) Sie kann Karriere machen, weil sie in ihrem Beruf sehr gut ist.
Deshalb Therefore Main clause + , deshalb + verb + subject + object Sie ist in ihrem Beruf sehr gut, deshalb kann sie Karriere machen.


Weil introduces the reason for something and is followed by a subordinate clause where the verb goes to the end.

Deshalb introduces the consequence of something and is a coordinating adverb, meaning the verb immediately follows it.

4. Detailed Word Order Rules: Starting with “Trotzdem” and “Deshalb”

Connector Starting Position Sentence Structure Example
Trotzdem Sentence Start Trotzdem + verb + subject + object Trotzdem machen sie keine Karriere.
Deshalb Sentence Start Deshalb + verb + subject + object Deshalb kann sie Karriere machen.


When you start a sentence with trotzdem or deshalb, the verb follows immediately after the connector, and the subject comes after the verb.

5. Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Incorrect Word Order: Ensure that the verb is at the end of subordinate clauses introduced by obwohl or weil.
  • Misusing Coordinating Adverbs: Don’t use trotzdem or deshalb to introduce subordinate clauses. Use them for independent clauses.
  • Punctuation: Always use a comma before a subordinate clause with weil or obwohl.

6. Practical Tips for Mastery

  • Write practice sentences: Experiment with writing sentences using both sets of connectors to master word order.
  • Read extensively: German texts like newspapers and articles can help you learn the natural use of these connectors.
  • Memorize word order rules: Focus on the positioning of the verb in subordinate clauses.

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use trotzdem and obwohl interchangeably?

No, trotzdem connects two independent clauses, while obwohl introduces a subordinate clause with the verb at the end.

2. Is weil always followed by a subordinate clause?

Yes, weil always introduces a subordinate clause, and the verb must be placed at the end.

3. What’s the difference between weil and denn?

Weil introduces a subordinate clause, while denn is a coordinating conjunction that does not change the word order.

4. Can I start a sentence with trotzdem or deshalb?

Yes, but the verb must follow immediately after the connector. For example, Trotzdem machen sie keine Karriere.

5. When do I use a comma with these connectors?

Always use a comma before subordinate clauses introduced by weil and obwohl. Use a comma with trotzdem or deshalb when they link independent clauses.

6. Are there other connectors similar to trotzdem or deshalb?

Yes, you can also use connectors like dennoch (nevertheless) or daher (therefore) to express cause or contrast.

7. What’s the difference between trotzdem and obwohl?

Trotzdem is an adverb used to connect two independent clauses, while obwohl is a subordinating conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause with the verb at the end. For example:

  • Obwohl es regnet, geht er raus. (Although it is raining, he goes out)
  • Es regnet, trotzdem geht er raus. (It is raining, nevertheless, he goes out)

8. Can weil and denn be used interchangeably?

Both words mean “because,” but weil introduces a subordinate clause (with the verb at the end), while denn connects two main clauses without changing word order. Example:

  • Ich gehe nach Hause, weil ich müde bin. (I am going home because I am tired)
  • Ich gehe nach Hause, denn ich bin müde. (I am going home because I am tired)

9. When should I use deshalb instead of weil?

Use weil to explain the cause (why something happened) and deshalb to express the consequence (what happens as a result). Example:

  • Er lernt viel, weil er die Prüfung bestehen will. (He studies a lot because he wants to pass the exam)
  • Er will die Prüfung bestehen, deshalb lernt er viel. (He wants to pass the exam, therefore, he studies a lot)

10. How does dennoch compare to trotzdem?

Both words mean “nevertheless” or “nonetheless,” but dennoch is slightly more formal than trotzdem. Both connect two independent clauses and are largely interchangeable.

11. Common word order mistakes with obwohl and weil?

Many learners mistakenly place the verb in the wrong position when using obwohl and weil. Remember, in subordinate clauses introduced by these words, the verb must be placed at the end of the clause. Example:

  • Weil er müde ist, geht er früh ins Bett. (Because he is tired, he goes to bed early)


Understanding how to use German sentence connectors such as trotzdem, obwohl, weil, and deshalb will significantly enhance your fluency in German. Pay special attention to the word order and the type of clauses these connectors introduce. With practice, you will be able to use them effectively in both writing and speaking.